Fish Tacos
Every January, May, and October on the Friday of dental van visit.
In order to fund the Medical Teams International Van, we have a fish taco sale every time the van visits San Juan Island. We assemble fish tacos with Alaskan rockfish donated by Matt Marinkovich every year. Team Taco is a very dedicated group of people and this is a rewarding one-day extravanza. Let us know if you think Team Taco would be a good fit for you.
Team Tooth San Juan
Every January, May, and October
The Medical Teams International Dental Van comes to San Juan Island every January, May and October and sets up shop for two days. Our dental volunteers fix people's teeth who othewise do not have the means to do so at the present time. We see many adults with tooth aches, which lead us to focus on prevention with our tooth-sealant program.
Matt Marinkovich
Meet the mastermind...
Matt is the mastermind and the creative genius behind Fish For Teeth. He founded Fish For Teeth and continues to use his creative thinking for the benefit of our community members and those in other fishing communities, especially in Alaska where he spends a great deal of time fishing every year. Right now he is interested in seeing the Gillsail Project get off the ground. Be sure to click on "more info" to learn more and contact Matt if you are interested.